

(中略) 福井城西北隅にある隅櫓は、苔むして、草が生い茂り、常に閉ざされていて、イッパクの霊が潜んでいる場所とされていた。そして、誰もこの中に入ってはいけないと言われていた。



A Daimio’s Government
(前略) One mossy and overgrown part of Fukui Castle, kept always closed, was pointed out to me as the place where the ghost of Ippaku lurked. No one durst enter this. A few years ago, the people said, the prince sent a strong brave man to watch this gloomy nook at night. After long waiting, he saw at midnight, a lovely woman emerge from the tower, and face the damp and overgrown ramparts. Passing him, she said that she was the spirit of Ippaku, but that if he told anyone that he had seen her, he would shortly die. He then perceived her back was that of a hideous, slimy monster. The next morning, with loyal bravery, he related his experiences to his prince. A few weeks afterwards, he died. The common people and children believed that his death was caused by the spirit whose caution he had disregarded.